Outdoor Dance Project Continued . . .
March 2020. See April below.
This month's dance footage was filmed during the coronavirus outbreak (March 2020), just before lock-down was issued in Kansas City, Missouri. It was a gorgeous day outside. It was quite windy and quite cold. Tessa's spirit was downcast, for sure, but it was nice to get outside and move in the grass. She's pleased with how this month turned out. Note: Tessa was down because of the subject that she writes about in her autobiography; that "issue" in her life was weighing on her this day.
The video below is titled, "Rose Petals," and is quite fitting in light of the virus. Tessa does not have copyright permission to the music, by the way. When she purchased her computer, the music came with her device! It's a good thing, though, because this is such a lovely video, and this footage captures a lot of Tessa's heart. Enjoy!
April 2020.
Like March, Tessa filmed April's outdoor dance session during the time of COVID. She was surprised and delighted at the park--people were respecting social distancing. Out of all the months she's so far filmed, she was perhaps most disappointed with April. Her costume did not fit the season--the color was too bland in the setting that she chose. Also, the dress did not flatter her figure. She was discouraged at these things initially. However, after playing with filters, cropping, and editing, she loves the results of this month—what a pleasant surprise! You can see photos and a video below. Enjoy!
Click here to view the previous months of Tessa's Outdoor Dance Project August/September, September/October, November/December, January/February. Click here to see May/June.