Luke, Chapter 3
Image inspired by the Parable of the Sower (Luke 8). Dancer, Tessa Priem
Welcome to week three of Luke/Acts 2020. I'm so glad you're here! This week our structure is the same as Week Two: 1) I give an introduction to the reading. 2) There's a recording of me reading the chapter. 3) Followed by questions and an explanation. 4) I'll post a hymn that you can read if you'd like. 5) And we'll close with a prayer. Easy-peasy. If you have a Bible, great. Open it to Luke, chapter three. If not, you can find Luke chapter three online. Let's get started!
1) Introduction: As you already know, Luke wrote this Gospel so that Theophilus would be certain of the things he'd been taught concerning Jesus. Speaking of which, I wonder if an eye witness of Jesus' taught Theophilus about the Lord (Luke 1:2), as well. Who first told Theophilus about Christ? I don't know! In chapter one, Luke wrote about the conception and birth of John, remember? I'm sure you do! In chapter three, we learn about John the Baptist's ministry: what he said and did after he was called to serve (hint: it's why we call him the baptist). Specifically, Luke tells us about John baptizing Jesus, and then a genealogy of Christ is provided.
2) Recording: Here's a recording of Luke, chapter three. Please note that there's a lengthy genealogy toward the end of the reading. So, hopefully, I don't mispronounce words or names!
luke_3.m4a |
3) Explanation & Questions: What stood out from this chapter? What caught your interest or attention? In Chapter Three, Luke provides the context of when John was called to baptize (it was somewhere between AD 26-29). John performed this mission in a particular region (near the Jordan River). His words were specific: John was to get people ready for the Messiah, people from all walks of life. Once John baptized Jesus, Jesus' ministry officially began, which we'll read all about in upcoming chapters.
For digging deeper, see my Google Doc that discusses specific verses and terms. Be sure to scroll down to chapter three's notes, beginning on page 15.
For digging deeper, see my Google Doc that discusses specific verses and terms. Be sure to scroll down to chapter three's notes, beginning on page 15.
4) Hymn: Here's a reading of the hymn "To Jordan's River Came Our Lord." The lyrics are below if you'd like to read.
to_jordans_river_came_our_lord.m4a |
To Jordan's river came our Lord, The Christ, whom heavenly hosts adored,
The God from God, the Light from Light, The Lord of glory, pow'r, and might.
The Savior came to be baptized--The Son of God in flesh disguised--
To stand beneath the Father's will And all His righteousness fulfill.
As Jesus in the Jordan stood And John baptized the Lamb of God,
The Holy Spirit, heav'nly dove, Descended on Him from above.
Then from God's throne with thund'rous sound Came God's own voice with words profound:
This is My Son," was His decree, "The one I love, who pleases Me."
The Father's word, the Spirit's flight Anointed Christ in glorious sight
As God's own choice, from Adam's fall To save the world and free us all.
Now rise, faint hearts, be resolute; This man is Christ, our substitute!
He was baptized in Jordan's stream, Proclaimed Redeemer, Lord supreme.
Note: This text is by James P Tiefel. I don't have permission to use it.
I chose this text, however, since it applies to our reading, and it's difficult to find a hymn referencing Jesus's baptism.
The God from God, the Light from Light, The Lord of glory, pow'r, and might.
The Savior came to be baptized--The Son of God in flesh disguised--
To stand beneath the Father's will And all His righteousness fulfill.
As Jesus in the Jordan stood And John baptized the Lamb of God,
The Holy Spirit, heav'nly dove, Descended on Him from above.
Then from God's throne with thund'rous sound Came God's own voice with words profound:
This is My Son," was His decree, "The one I love, who pleases Me."
The Father's word, the Spirit's flight Anointed Christ in glorious sight
As God's own choice, from Adam's fall To save the world and free us all.
Now rise, faint hearts, be resolute; This man is Christ, our substitute!
He was baptized in Jordan's stream, Proclaimed Redeemer, Lord supreme.
Note: This text is by James P Tiefel. I don't have permission to use it.
I chose this text, however, since it applies to our reading, and it's difficult to find a hymn referencing Jesus's baptism.
5) Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you that the Gospel of Luke continues to provide a historical context, which includes real people, precise locations, with specific dates. Thank you especially for calling John the Baptist to fufill the ministry that you gave him. His job couldn't have been an easy one, for his words were both challenging and comforting. When John baptized Jesus, you declared Christ to be your Son, and that you were pleased with him. We ask that you help us to heed John's words of exhortation and to be comforted by them, as well. Be with us this week. We ask in Jesus' name, Amen.
Disclaimer: I should mention that I do not have copyright permission regarding the particular Bible I'm using. I'm reading an ESV edition in this recording. Most of the hymns I choose are in the public domain.
If you'd like to follow me and learn more about what I do, especially dance-wise, you can find me on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. If you'd like to know about my solo dance show or read my bio, click here (you can learn about my life story danced out)! I'm also writing my autobiography, and you can read about that journey. Most of all, I look forward to you studying the books of Luke and Acts and learning about Jesus. Enjoy!
If you'd like to follow me and learn more about what I do, especially dance-wise, you can find me on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. If you'd like to know about my solo dance show or read my bio, click here (you can learn about my life story danced out)! I'm also writing my autobiography, and you can read about that journey. Most of all, I look forward to you studying the books of Luke and Acts and learning about Jesus. Enjoy!